Create A Chatbot

Create An AI For Your Business

Create a chatbot for your business on Wotabot. You can train your AI with your own data to answer questions about your company and your products. Create an AI chatbot that engages with your customers 24/7. Here is a demo AI for a travel company: >

Start building your chatbot - Its free! >>

You can create an AI chatbot like the one below within 15 minutes.

(And you can integrate it in your existing website! Get in touch:

Create an AI for your business, build a chatbot, learn how to make a chatbot, free chatbot builder

Imagine a CEO or VP Sales being able to talk to each one of their customers directly - that is the power of the AI chatbot.

Learn how to build a chatbot in under 15 minutes. You can create a free chatbot to talk about your business or recreational project. You will get a URL like this - - that you can share with your customers and friends.

You could create a business AI for your company, or build a chatbot that talks about health and fitness. Or maybe you just want to create a Star Wars geek! You can use our platform to create a free chatbot with a custom name.

Create A Free Chatbot For Your Business

Potential customers will visit your traditional website, browse through it and leave and you will never know what they were looking for. A 24/7, cheerful, intelligent AI can make all the difference. People can simply chat with your business AI and tell it what they were looking for. Your AI can also learn about your audience and recommend products and services based on their preferences.

You can build a completely new online brand with our free chatbot builder. You can make a chatbot on our platform in a few minutes and that's all you would need for your brand's online presence. Our AI bot for business works great for chat support or as a sales AI. Your Wotabot AI can work as a marketing consultant or sales person. It can help with product discovery and handle service requests, product support and consumer complaints.

You can upgrade your business chatbot and get full access to all your customer conversations. Then you can see what your customers are saying to your chatbot. You can also ask your business AI to promote products and pages from your website - you can create a link with an image that appears right in the chat interface.

Create An AI Chatbot For Customer Service

You can also create an AI chatbot that you can integrate into your own corporate or ecommerce website:

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You can train your business AI and view your conversations via our control panel. Our custom installations start from $20.00 per month, depending on your website traffic.

We can train an AI for you and install it on your website.

Get in touch if you want to install our chatbot on your website -

Learn How To Make Your Own Chatbot

Get your website to the next level - get an AI to run your online operations for you. We can install an AI chatbot on your website and train it to answer questions about your products and services and your brand. It can also ask questions and get to know your customers and their needs better.

If you have a website with a large volume of traffic, serving customers can be an expensive affair - simply install a custom version of our AI on your site to engage with your audience and capture online leads.

How To Train Your AI

You can train your AI about your business and your products ('We can design a new office building for you.' / 'Our XYZ gadget can print high-resolution banners.') and ask questions ('Can I have your email address please?').

You can also give your AI a basic human-like character - does it like animals and nature, business and finance, sports? You can give it preferences ('I like ice cream.' / 'I want to climb Mt Everest.' / 'I need a holiday.') and make it more business-like ('I can connect you with one of our managers.').

Create A Business Chatbot

Our business chatbot makes it possible for you to generate online leads without blowing a hole in your marketing and sales budget. Your chatbot is preprogrammed to interact with your customers, engage them around your products and services and ask them for contact details at the correct point in the conversation.

You just need to train your business chatbot with a little bit of data about your company. You get a URL you can share around easily. Your customers don't have to sign up or register. They just land up on your Wotabot AI ( and start chatting.

Start building your AI. Its free! >>

You can create your own AI within 15 minutes

We can do a custom installation for your website as well. Our enterprise AI starts from $20.00 per month for each installation. Try out the free version above to see how it works!

Customer Service Chatbot

Our business AI is responsible for asking your customers for their contact details and any other feedback around your products. Just log in at the end of the day (better still, the next morning) to see what your customers are saying and what kind of help they need. Your customer conversations will help you tweak your AI and address their problems better.

You can automate online customer service with your new business chatbot. It can engage with your audience 24/7 and capture online leads. Wotabot helps you create a customer service chatbot that can open up new lines of communications with your market. Automate the process of product discovery and train your AI to escalate to qualified human marketers at the right moment.

Enterprise AI

We can build custom installations of our enterprise AI to fit your business needs. Anyone can start using our enterprise chatbot software without the need for extensive artificial intelligence expertise or NLP training. Our enterprise AI has been made for business users who want to launch their own business chatbot with minimum effort.

Your enterprise AI chatbot can be made to serve online customers, optimise online sales and give a new edge to your brand. It can also be modified to engage with internal corporate audiences such as vendors and serve roles within learning and corporate development. Just email us to get started -

Chatbot Software

Our chatbot software is easy to use. No installation required - just sign up and create your own chatbot. Our AI software has been designed for business users, with a zero learning curve. Just enter some data about your business or activity and our chatbot crafts its own conversations.

Our natural language processor (NLP) enables a powerful conversational AI and has been developed at our own artificial intelligence laboratory. Wotabot is all home-grown AI software, with no third-party libraries whatsoever.

Design Your Own Conversational AI

We have developed a large language model that is easy to reprogram, giving you a conversational AI that is easy to deploy for your business. It uses a simple language model to generate basic responses and a more powerful generative AI model for more complex responses.

And this LLM is growing every day - our recreational users feed it data everyday and simultaneously have a good time tinkering with an AI. Business and recreational users get a deep learning algorithm with an easy-to-use front-end that anyone can start using in minutes. You can build an artificial intelligence without any coding.

Learn How To Build A Chatbot

We created our own natural language processor and paired it with our own learning engine. Our dataset updates in real-time as our AI learns with each conversation. David, our main AI, is a semi-autonomous artificial intelligence. We also opened our AI tech so that companies and individuals could use our NLP to build AIs of their own.

Our AI platform is great for educational institutions and students who want to learn more about building and programming their own AIs. Its great, programming an AI on the fly and seeing it learn and evolve from a basic NLP tool into an advanced, knowledgeable AI.

Learn how to make an AI - our platform makes it easy to build your own conversational AI. You can create an AI and teach it about science and technology or history or music. Start your experiment with artificial intelligence now - its free!

Create Your Own Chatbot

You can create an AI chatbot around virtually any topic. You can create a fitness chatbot to discuss health and nutrition or you can create a food chatbot that talks about different kinds of food and places to eat. Or you can create a tech chatbot or a science chatbot to discuss science and technology. This could even be an educational chatbot that teaches people about the physical world and the building blocks of the universe.

A science chatbot could even take on the persona of a historical figure. Imagine discussing the laws of force with Newton, or the theory of evolution with Darwin. Speaking of Darwin, we are in the middle of a climate crisis (yes we are, get rid of your car). You can create an environmental chatbot that discusses the science behind climate change and the facts behind this problem. Create an AI that informs people about plastic pollution, create a nature chatbot (do you know there's only 4000 tigers out in the wild, versus 8 billion humans?!!).

You can create a fun chatbot, maybe make a movie chatbot that talks about Lord of the Rings and acts as one of the characters - poor Boromir needs a break! You could create a history chatbot - imagine talking to Ibn Batuta and Marco Polo about their adventures, or to a stone age boy about the games he is playing everyday. You can make a sports chatbot or a games chatbot to discuss your favorite computer games.

For more serious topics, you can create a finance chatbot to talk about stocks and shares or a personal banking chatbot that discusses finance and investment options. We are working to improve our engine so people can build a news chatbot, an analytical chatbot that can evaluate facts and separate fake news from real events.

Then there is the creative world - you can create an art bot or a design chatbot to discuss architecture, design, art history and painting - ask Leonardo da Vinci how he painted The Last Supper or talk to Monet about how they reinvented painting in the face of photography in the 19th century.

Take the first step - create your own free chatbot and share it with your audience to see how it all works - start your free trial now >>

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